Ethiopian Wolf- Julia Galvan


  1. Nice blog! I think your layout design is really eye-catching. I also really like the use of photos and the fact that there is at least one for each category.
    - Gina Harris

  2. Great blog! These are such cute wolves that are being pushed to higher elevations and are running out of habitats to turn to (elevator effect). It is also sad that humans are the second major factor in endangering this species. Overall, great explanation of the recovery plan.
    -Emily Holloway

  3. Your layout and headings are so clear and concise! It's sad to see the elevator effect harming other wolves. The recovery map is so neat, and clear!
    -Cierra Heiland

  4. Good use of graphics to help add that extra information to the reader. That sucks that its due to global warming, which is a hard problem to solve currently.
    -Dean Harris

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So sad that habitat loss is keeping them at low levels of genetic diversity and that they have trouble getting food because of this too. -Erin Ichimura

  7. What a dope blog! I love your headers and unique style of post. I find it crazy that these wolves are only able to live at such a high climate! Hopefully conservationist will be able to have locals control domestic animals more that are reducing the population of the wolf.
    -Elisabeth Huetter


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